Cookie Settings

Urban Hunt uses cookies and similar technologies to optimize your experience and for marketing purposes. View and manage your cookie settings below so you have control over your privacy. Consult Urban Hunt's privacy policy for more information about how we use cookies.


Advertising cookies and similar technologies on Urban Hunt allow us to place targeted Urban Hunt advertisements on other sites you visit and measure your engagement with those ads.


Analytics cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our Services, allowing us to analyse and improve our Services (also through third party analytics).


This website uses essential cookies to ensure the functionality and security of the website. Essential cookies are crucial for the proper functioning of basic features of the site, such as user authentication, network management, and accessibility. These cookies are automatically placed and do not require consent, as they are not used for collecting personal data for marketing purposes or tracking your internet activity.

External service providers

We work together with external providers such as Google, who also set cookies for analytics and marketing purposes. This list may not be complete, but we strive to keep it up-to-date based on information from these providers. Please refer to the following sources for more information about the cookies set by Google: